Wednesday, January 28, 2015

So... more pedophilia...

So... thinking about this further...

Why is this a struggle for me?

Speaking personally, I think pedophilia might be a social necessity. After all, some significant fraction of the population engages in it, and apparently has, indefinitely into the past.

Of course, it's also true that another significant fraction of the population protests against it. But that is not very telling because every single aspect of society has people protesting against it, and people in all walks of society get killed for often the dumbest reasons.

But I have a problem with keeping secrets - I don't have social barriers where other people have them (and I do have them where other people do not have them). And I imagine a certain amount of awkwardness if I were to be engaging in sexual activities with kids.

Another thing is that I am not "sexually aggressive" for the most part. Curious, yes, and perhaps the subject of curiosity. But I also think way into the future, and I know that sexual experiences tend to create strong emotional bonds between people, and I would have trouble with the eventual "being upset" that would result when I focus my attention on someone else. (This, by the way, impacts all potential sexual partners - I don't want to deal with people I like being unhappy, so I mostly keep to myself.)

Of course, another issue is that kids mostly aren't interested in that kind of stuff.

And another issue is that adult males quite often stink, as perceived by kids at least.

Then again, that might relate to why it's something of a necessity, or something to be avoided.

Anyways... that'll be for other people to figure out - if we can ever stop banning the exchange of information on the subject. There's billions of people in the world and if statistics worldwide are anything like underage pregnancy statistics here in the states there are probably billions of people who have engaged in some significant form of child sexuality.

Or maybe that's a part of what makes the U.S.A. into what it is?

I guess I have a lot to learn...

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